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Welcome to the FRIENDS FIRST STARS Mentoring Program resource website

Thank you for partnering with us and facilitating

the STARS Mentoring Program in your communities.


The STARS Mentoring Program is a classroom-based, peer-to-peer mentoring program that engages and supports students to make positive life choices and build healthy relationships. STARS provides students the opportunity to discover themselves and build upon their skill set through our three core elements of self-awareness, healthy decision-making and MentorLife®, which means to always invest in someone and always have someone investing in you. STARS mentors receive training and mentoring from their program coordinator, then they in turn are paired with no more than four mentees where they lead activities and opportunities for discussion. Through the program, students are able to strengthen their leadership abilities, discover and practice positive social and emotional skills around mental health, healthy relationships and decision-making, gain confidence and feel valued.


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Healthy Decision-Making
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